viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

One of my favorite movies!

Hello everyone!

Today, I want to talk about a movie that I loved: Moonrise Kingdom is a 2012 film directed by Wes Anderson. It's set in 1965, though it might as well be set at any time. When you walk into the middle of a screen of a Wes Anderson film, you will find yourself unable to peel your eyes away from the screen. Such is the author’s distinctive visual style and dialogues which makes his films both captivating and frustrating to watch at the same time.

This movie is one of my favorite ones from this singular director. It's a drama/comedy film about a couple of young lovers: Sam (Jared Gilman), an orphaned khaki scout, and Suzy (Kara Hayward), the unhappy daughter of a matrimony of dysfunctional lawyers. The couple falls in love and runs away together, turning the normally peaceful community on its head, which causes a local search organized by the scout Master Ward (Edward Norton) to find them.

I think the best of this movie is definitely the dialogues and images (looking down this post some scenes ;)

I totally recommend you this movie and any of this director's!!

Follow this link to watch the trailer: :)

5 comentarios:

  1. I seen two movies of Wes Anderson and I liked.I have to see this film, Regards.

  2. I saw this movie and I love too!!!

  3. I like that movie and Anderson.
    I share you an interesting video about him.
